
This January at The Fox Hole


Celebrate the New Year with Good Gin

Now let’s be honest … you didn’t come to The Fox Hole for Dry January. So instead we’re celebrating all things gin throughout January which we've affectionately called Gin-uary.

You’re ginvited to a celebrate a month of ginsanity as we serve $10 Scapegrace Black G&T's all month.

$10 Gin & Tonics

Scapegrace Black Gin 
The world's first naturally black (and colour changing) gin. Yes it's pretty impressive. This New Zealand distillery has drawn on some dark magic to create this beauty.

While the specific botanicals used in the formulation of Scapegrace Black Gin may not be publicly disclosed, this gin is known for its unique and exotic flavour profile.

We're sure you'll love it!

At The Fox Hole we believe all good stories start with a drink.