Pie & Pint

Tuesday Nights at The Fox Hole


Make Tuesday your new favourite night out in Sydney's, The Rocks!

Pie & Pint, the perfect pair are back!

Enjoy a $29 midweek treat. A mouthwatering pie, served with traditional sides of mushy peas and rich, flavourful gravy alongside pints of beer. Beer not your thing? No problem, grab a house wine or G&T instead.

2401 Pie Web Tile with Gold Strip

Pie & Pint at The Fox Hole is here to add flavour to your Tuesday night.

Bookings are not required, but they are very much encouraged. There is always a limited number of pies and once they sell out, they're sold out 'til next week!

See you for dinner?

Join us every Tuesday for a casual, delicious, and downright satisfying experience. It's Pie & Pint Night - the perfect recipe for a fantastic time!

Located in Sydney's, The Rocks.

Available Tuesday evenings only.
From 5.00pm onwards.